Bedwetting Stories: Fight Against Bedwetting
Your child regularly wets the bed? The reasons for this disorder are multiple and sometimes are not very well known. Some common one’s are like deep sleep, preventing the child to wake up when the urge is done, and even a hereditary factor are at issue. Parents of bedwetting children share their bedwetting stories that can be a good support for others. Thresa Like her 8-year-old daughter experienced the embarrassment of nighttime wetting when she was a child and she helped her to overcome emotional problems. According to Thresa: I had a weak kidney myself when I was a child, she says and I understand how my daughter feels, I wet my bed until the fifth year. Ruby my daughter has had kidney problems since she was few weeks old when she suffered from her first E. coli infection. When she was 3, she was experiencing a renal reflux problem, she began to wet the bed.
My story you can count on:
Sharing bedwetting stories with her daughter Ruby, Thresa is able to offer her comfort and big support. Thresa says her daughter often suffers from bedwetting nearly every night but she never got angry with her, never scolded her infect she took a gentle, calm approach when she consoles her and told her that she is not alone having this issue. Though I was angry and upset when an incident occurred but still I kept calm. So, do not get carried away. Remember that it is neither your fault nor that of your child. Your Bedwetting boy or a girl needs you to understand them. Thresa says that the social stigma of bedwetting is for her daughter, the aspect with which she has the most trouble. She avoids sleepovers with her friends, because she fears that they discover her bedwetting problem and they may start teasing her. Though she wants to participate in her sleep overs, but she’s afraid someone will find out, Thresa said. She’s hiding her problem, and it’s very upsetting for her.
Try every possible thing
To help her daughter cope up with bedwetting problem and boost her confidence, Theresa said that she has spent a lot of time researching the subject on How to stop bedwetting, Bedwetting solutions, consulting with different doctors and trying to work on serious issues like Urinary tract infection, Sleep apnea and more. Most doctors suggest that Ruby’s Bed wet will go away with age and children with kidney problems usually get wet and, in some cases, it may last until my daughter is 10 or 11 years old “says Theresa. Unfortunately, traditional treatments for bedwetting have not worked my daughter like no liquids and caffeine to drink two hours before bedtime, high fiber foods, cranberry supplements. I was told by doctor that If the above strategies don’t help, a Bedwetting Alarm is often the best solution. Bedwetting alarm give signal that they need to get up to wake their child; get him or her into the bathroom; clean off the bed and repeat the process.
For a variety of bedwetting alarms visit the Store for Smart Bedwetting Alarm.
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