About Bed-wetting

What are the different types of bed-wetting?

There are two kinds of bed-wetting. Primary bed-wetting & Secondary bed-wetting.

  • Primary bed-wetting is a pattern of heavy sleeping that produces high amounts of urine while asleep. This is the kind 98% of bedwetters have.
  • Secondary bed-wetting is caused by a physical or emotional problem. In this type, the child may start wetting after being dry for years. This type is very uncommon. Consult a doctor if you suspect this type.

Is treatment necessary?

  • Without treatment some children may not stop bed-wetting until they are teenagers and might continue bed-wetting as adults.

Are there any risks caused due to untreated bed-wetting?

  • By stopping bed-wetting psychosocial consequences can be prevented. Bed-wetting is very embarrassing, and as such, can cause significant damage to the bed-wetter’s self-esteem such as trouble making friends, not achieving higher levels of education and problems in the workplace. Such activities can impair their social growth.

Can bed-wetting cause serious physical harm?

  • Bed-wetting does not cause serious physical harm. However, wetness can sometimes cause skin rashes. There are no risks or side effects associated with using a bed-wetting alarm like Smart. Most parents of bed-wetters choose our alarm or mat based system to stop bed-wetting permanently.

Is bed-wetting hereditary?

  • While bed-wetting has a hereditary component i.e. it runs in the family, that doesn’t mean it can’t be treated. Smart can help your child stop wetting the bed.

What does constipation have to do with bed-wetting?

  • Typically, making the bowels more regular will either help stop the bed-wetting directly, or make it possible for bed-wetting treatment to work. You should consult your doctor in this event.

What makes Smart different?

  • Because of Smart’s One Drop Detection sensor, strong response options (vibration and light in addition to variable volume) and many advanced features. Smart has helped numerous children stop bed-wetting.